Commander’s Corner August 2023
I sincerely hope that all reading this are doing your best to stay cool during this exceptionally warm summer here in the Venice area. One positive thought is that we will not be shoveling snow in a couple months from now.
Your Post continues to be a great place to be a part of. We have many activities here for all to participate in and enjoy. To better communicate that one of our Legion members, Jill Bailey has taken on the task of improving the Post’s website and bringing it up to date. Thanks for doing that, Jill. Be sure to check out the Photo Gallery for pics of recent events.
We have a few ways of keeping you informed on the events at your Post. There is the Facebook page “American Legion Post 159 Venice FL”. You may also send your name and email address to This will get you on our Constant Contact email alert system. And, don’t forget the above mentioned Post website,
I would like to highlight some of the positive achievements and aspects of our Post that have taken place over the past year or so and continues. This is in addition to all the other great accomplishments that take place every day.
We bought a new honor guard van for our dedicated Legionnaires that pay tribute at Sarasota National Cemetery.
Graphics were done at no cost by H and H Sign and My Warriors Place. The graphics cause the van to really stand out.
Formed a Quilts of Valor Committee. The women on this committee create beautiful quilts that are then presented to deserving Veterans.
Yoga continues at the Post twice a week.
The hard to read sign was replaced at the Venice Ave entrance making us much more visible to Veterans passing by.
A credit card machine was put in the Adjutants office making renewals and memberships much more convenient.
We held an open house which generated 26 new members in one day.
Put in a new phone system that streamlines office productivity.
An A.E.D. was donated to the Post.
Honored Purple Heart recipients with 2 parking spots by the front door.
Had a basic first aid class conducted for employees and duty officers.
Started a very effective Service Officer program with Mike Sabo and Dave Till.
We started and continue to support “Lutz Buddy Up” (a Veteran and First Responder support group) with monthly dinner get togethers.
On June 20th we had our installation of new Post officers.
Commander Don MacLean
1st Vice Commander Chris Casey
2nd Vice Commander Henry Arent
Adjutant Gordon Myers
Chaplain Rod Dimon
Finance Officer Frank Brennan
Judge Advocate Ray Kempisty
Sgt at Arms Mike Alexandratos
Historian Don Kingery
Executive Board Bill Connors
Norm MacLellan
Tom Overman
Al Roth
The Legion hosted the July luncheon for 6 Veterans from the Jacobson Veterans Home of Port Charlotte. A big thanks goes out to the Women of the Post that came in for the lunch. The Veterans that attended, as well as Post Legionnaires are deeply appreciative for what you Ladies did.
Entertainment continues on Thursday and Friday evenings and is well attended. Usually, we see a significant drop off in the summer months, but due to the excellent line up of entertainers and the number of recent transfers to the Post, which hasn’t happened this summer.
Karaoke on Sundays from 5-8 PM has been a huge success. Get here early to get a spot on the list to sing. Very entertaining with the Post’s talent.
Respectfully submitted,
Don MacLean
Commander Post 159