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American Legion Membership Renewals
Legionnaires, here is an overview of the membership process.
National runs our membership drives, not us locally at NO-VEL Post 159.
Membership is based upon the calendar year. Your Legionnaire card is valid from January 1st through December 31st of the same year.
The American Legion operates on a fiscal year from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. National will start sending membership renewal notices for the following year as early as the first or second week in July. You might receive up to three notices before the end of the calendar year.
There are three ways to renew: internet, mail or in person.
Mail: Mail us a check or write down your credit card information on the dues renewal notice. Bear in mind that mailing in your credit card information takes the longest time to process. We cannot "run" your card from our Post. It has to go to the Florida Department; I have seen that process take over 30 days. Once the Florida Department processes your credit card, they mail the Post back a notification of approval. We send out the membership card the following day. Sometimes we receive a notice the credit card could not be "run", a non-payment from the Florida Department, we then have to contact the member for another means of payment. This also adds time to the process. When we receive a check, we mail the card out the following day.
In Person: Come to our Post's front office and pay by check, cash or credit card. I recommend you bring cash or a check. In person provides me an opportunity to meet our fine Legionnaires and it gives our members an opportunity to update their record. Our work load and office hours are the only draw back, it will take some time. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
That was just an overview. It is the only time we retain control of the membership process. Once we finish with our office work, we must complete a transmittal to the Florida Department, who in turn sends the information on to National. I have submitted transmittals and two months later our Legionnaire was still not updated at National. That same Legionnaire even receives a dues renewal notice or past due notice from National.
We do not send membership renewal notices from our Post. They all come from National. There is a time lag between our processing and when you are updated in the National records and yes, sometimes that might be close to 60 days.
We are proactive in serving the membership needs of our Legionnaires. If you have your current year card, then you have completed all that is required of you concerning your membership. If you still receive a renewal or past due notice and have your current card in hand: recycle the notice or just throw it away.
Bottom Line: come to the Post with a check or cash, you will leave with your card. If you prefer mail, send a check, your card will be sent out the next day.
If you want to correspond with me, email me at adjutant@novelpost159.org, call me at (941) 488-1157, or mail me at 1770 E. Venice Ave, Venice FL 34292-3190. I'd love to hear from you. Your Post Adjutant.
New Wellness Clinics for our Post Home
Diane Wedge, one of our bartenders, heads up our Veteran’s Wellness Clinics here on the last Tuesday of the month from 9AM to noon. She is seeking volunteer practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, dermatology, massage, meditation, reflexology, Reiki, yoga, or even nutrition, hearing, vision, manicures/pedicures and alike.
If you know of anyone interested in volunteering and certified in any of these fields with liability insurance, please contact at dianwedge.vwc@gmail.com.